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Geodetic and cartographic firms, associations, schools, departments and organizations have the opportunity to join the presentation action of their web pages which is organized by magazine Zeměměřič (Surveyor) in co-operation with ČSGK (Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers) on the occasion of world meeting of surveyors FIG Working Week Prague 2000.

The purpose and main idea of GeoWebRing-cz is maximally comprehensive presentation of the Czech geodesy vis-a-vis domestic and foreign visitors of internet.

Owners of domains can register gratis their homepages in the office of magazine Zeměměřič who shall interconnect them to the GeoWebRing-cz. All homepages connected to this ring will include some space with GeoWebRing-cz logo (with four buttons: forwards, back, homepage GeoWebRing-cz and www.fig2000.cz). All the visitors of official web pages www.fig2000.cz, web pages of Zeměměřič and other web pages of GeoWebRing-cz could join this ring and surf through web pages of geodetic and cartographic firms from Czech republic.

Magazine Zeměměřič and ČSGK announce as a complementary product of GeoWebRing-cz a competition of the best geodetic web pages connected into the GeoWebRing-cz. After looking down through GeoWebRing-cz every visitor can vote for three web pages (not more) which interested them most of all. This voting (including time and domains of voters) will be introduced on-line on web pages of Zeměměřič. The best page will be honoured by the price of 1000 CZK.

We hope that this action will respectably represent the Czech geodesy on internet vis-a-vis foreign and domestic specialists and lay public.

Branch magazine, Web server and info-canal on geodesy, cadastre, cartography and GIS.
<% REM ********** Paticka ***************** subPaticka_en response.flush REM **************************************************** ' zapsat navstevu na stranku Zememerice AbsolutePath = Server.MapPath("/datab") strConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & AbsolutePath & "/webring.asp;DriverId=25;FILE=MS Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5" Set ObjConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") ObjConn.Open strConnect qryStr = "Update GEOWEBRING set ZEMEMERIC = ZEMEMERIC + 1 where URL = 'http://www.zememeric.cz/geowebring/default.asp'" ObjConn.Execute(qryStr) ObjConn.close set ObjConn = Nothing %>